In the cold months of June/July 2019 the team at Recycling Technologies group packed up their bags and headed to Hobart, Tasmania to install a brand new Nova Pellet Plant and dual silo dust collection facility. After extensive customer consultation and evaluation of their fibre supply, RTG designed and supplied the complete turnkey solution with a crew of 5 technicians for installation.
Oakdale Industries is an incredible organisation that creates a premium range of timber products (from floorboards to chopping blocks!) by Tasmanian's with disabilities. With an ever-growing list of local, national and international customers Oakdale Industries wanted to expand their pellet manufacturing capacity to use all of the available wood fibre. Oakdale Industries had previously run a smaller Nova/RTG pellet plant which was very successful. After operating it for three years and struggling to keep up with demand for pellets they decided to increase production capacity by a factor of 6. They also needed to upgrade their dust collection capacity for their planer mill plant. We took the opportunity to utilise the fibre storage silos as dust collection silos as well.
Under pressure suction fans (1x45kW & 1x45kW) connected to the silos provide plenty of suction and air flow for the existing planer mill, complete pellet line, third party fibre supply suction loading ability and some capacity to spare for the future. Pneumatic pulsing filtration bags make the system completely automated and the dust is used as a part of the fibre mix to make wood pellets. There is zero waste on site. The automated pellet bagging system completes the automated production line and produces up to 6 x 15kg bags pellets/minute. The system is completely PLC controlled with a SCADA type graphical user interface for easy operator control and monitoring.



The harsh Hobart winter weather was a challenge especially with the early morning starts! But the RTG team has an awesome, dedicated installation team the pushed through the adverse conditions and produced a significant and on time completed job.
Overall our goals for the installation were met and Oakdale Industries is very happy with the supply and install. The pellet line was delivered on budget with zero cost variations, completed in the time frame scheduled - to the day.
The installation of this Nova Pellet plant is going to be highly advantageous for the pellet industry in the local area of Hobart and ultimately Tasmania. The installation of this larger pellet plant means that Oakdale can now not only process 100% of their wood waste generated on site but can now also accept wood waste from other processors in the Hobart area. This is a real bonus for processors and the environment. The wood-waste will be re-purposed into wood pellets for domestic heating appliances. The demand for wood-pellets in the Tasmania is around 5000-6000 tonnes p.a.
In summary this machine has a big appetite for wood waste and this means pellets will no longer have to be imported into Tasmania from overseas and mainland. The wood-waste generated within Tasmania can now be transformed into wood-pellets and used within Tasmania.